Campaigners demand investigation into cover-up

From: Andy Erlam
To: Alem Abay <>

Sent: Sunday, 4 October 2020, 14:48:42 BST
Subject: Mogous Abay

This case of the suspected murder must be taken up by more people.  It is said it was linked to corruption in the London Borough of Tower Hamlets which was being exposed at the time. Britain has no moral lessons to teach the rest of the world about corruption, except how to cover it up!

There are many lessons from the Black Lives Matter movement, not only that systematic racism exists and is protected in many authorities and organisations in many countries, but that a man or woman can be murdered and no-one in authority cares, or if they do care, they are too frightened to stand up and speak truth unto power. BLM is also the first truly global movement in world history. A lesson for the future.

This break-down in proper government applies to most countries of the world, so what is to be done?  Democracy is a beautiful word but very few practice it.  As Gandhi said: “Democracy is a very good idea - we ought to try it!” 

The opportunities for global democracy and universal transparency are greater than ever before and not only because of new technology. Many national governments have been exposed by the Covid crisis as being utterly incompetent.  The people could have done much better. Covid is a walk in the park compared with the chaos which global warming will bring to all countries and to all peoples. With a few exceptions most national governments have failed to seriously address the issue of global warming and the radical policies needed to reverse it. Global warming calls for the total transformation of transport, industry, agriculture, care for the environment, as well as many life-styles.  Are national governments equipped to deal with this?  Obviously not as most are focused on power over a few years, by definition. As the crisis grows, the supposed legitimacy of existing forms of democracy will be increasingly undermined.  Action will be needed to avoid to the complete centralisation of political power

Transparency is another key demand.  Democracy is not possible without transparency, which means that all authorities must be legally obliged to release of all information in their possession, unless for legitimate reasons, such the privacy of citizens on some personal matter. Sweden has practiced this for years from the prime minister’s office downwards. 

If we could see what is happening inside government, we could control it. The very concerning circumstances of the death of Mogous Abay would not be a mystery if there were total transparency within the authorities concerned - the coroner’s office, the police and the pathology service.  Suspicions could be identified as either facts or misunderstandings.

The life and death of Mogous Abay connects with all lives and it is incumbent on all of us to do what we can and to do much more. 

Justice and the truth will eventually be victorious!

Andy Erlam


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